20120428, 15:43

New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. New blog, click here. 

20120424, 20:52

20120423, 22:55


Im sorry for my bad updates the last weeks, but I have been pretty busy with my exam, my thoughts and my life in general. I'm also sort of ill, or at least I'm freezing all the time, I'm dizzy and I don't have much energy overall. So tomorrow I'm going to the doctor for some blood tests plus a talk and then I hope they will find out what's bothering me. I'm also going out for lunch with my pregnant sister tomorrow morning, and I'm looking forward. Hope you all are enjoying spring to it's fullest! Kisses.

20120422, 19:37


Love this video so much. Makes me smile and wish for summer.

20120418, 17:23

Hi! I'm sorry I have been absent for some days now, but I have my reasons, because yesterday we started our test exams in media. I got film as theme, and all yesterday was spent filming, and today I have recorded sound and imported the clips on to my Mac. Yesterday I also got a brand new iPhone 4s, and I'm addicted! My 3gs was so exhausted (haha) and didn't want to co-operate with me at all, so it had to be renewed. But now I'm gonna write some stuff for my presentation tomorrow. Wish me luck! Kisses. (If you want updates more often, feel free to follow me at instagram @lilacunicorn, where I'm active all the time, hihi)

20120416, 08:15

Nelly Trend sweater, Zara bag, H&M pants, Dixie hat, Replay belt, Din Sko creepers, Rimmel lipstick, Just Female necklace.

20120415, 13:46


Hi! Today it's Sunday, one of my favourite days of the week. I have spent my time this Sunday on eating a big breakfast, taking a sixty minute powerwalk/run and now I'm just drinking my favourite tea and watching tv. Later me and my family are gonna make chicken for dinner and then I have to prepare a bit for a new week (my first proper week after easter as well). Have a great one, sweeties!

20120415, 01:29

20120413, 23:40

Secondhand jacket, 179 NOK.

Cubus jeans, 399 NOK.

H&M bikini top, 149 NOK.

Lindex sunglasses, 79 NOK each. 

Åhlens mug, 79 NOK.

Ikea pot, 29 NOK.

20120413, 22:41

20120413, 21:02

Can't complain on my most recent purchase! Finally I'm (soon to be, at least) the proud owner of a pair Nike Air Max 90. I have kept my eyes on them for some months now, and I haven't been able to get them out of my head, so I'm superduper excited! Kisses.

20120413, 20:32

H&M scarf, secondhand jacket, Cubus shirt, vintage belt, 25/7 jeans, Roots boots.

20120413, 09:53

Have a great day, cutiepies! I am most likely going to town with my mum and my sister for some mother-daughter time plus a little shopping!

20120412, 22:44

This perfect pair of sunglasses are coming home with me tomorrow. I love them, they're so "Olsen" and "Richie". And so me, as well. 

20120412, 18:21

Hi! This morning I got up at 4:45 am, just so I would get to school in time for P.E. When the two lessons were finished, I took the bus downtown, window shopped a little bit and then I went home to Rissa. After I got home I have eaten salmon for dinner, been shopping hair bleach with my mum and afterwards I'm gonna get rid of my hair roots! Finally, because they are way too visible to ignore and handle now. Kisses.

20120412, 12:49